Let’s talk about trauma

What is trauma? 

The word “trauma” is used a lot in this day and age. But what exactly is trauma, and how do you know if you’ve experienced it? I am here to help break it down for you, and give you some details so you can understand it a little bit more. Trauma is the emotional, psychological, and physical response that occurs following a distressing or disturbing event. It is important to note that trauma is highly individualistic; what may be traumatic for one person might not be for another. This variation is due to our unique backgrounds, personalities, and coping skills.

Big T Versus Little t Trauma

  • Big T Trauma: Refers to major, life-threatening events such as natural disasters, serious accidents, or violent assaults.

  • Little t Trauma: Includes less obvious but still impactful events like emotional abuse, ongoing stress, or significant life changes.

To help break it down even further, let’s look at some symptoms of trauma:

  • Physical Symptoms: These include sweating, shaking, an increased heart rate, and chronic pain.

  • Emotional Symptoms: PTSD, difficulty regulating emotions, dissociation, feelings of shame, fear, constant anxiety and hypervigilance.

  • Cognitive Symptoms: Memory issues, intrusive thoughts, persistent thoughts such as "I am not safe" or "I am not good enough."

If I have experienced trauma, how does it impact me?

Experiencing trauma can significantly affect various aspects of life. Individuals may avoid places, situations, or people that trigger memories of the traumatic event. One may have flashbacks or nightmares related to the distressing event. Trauma can strain personal relationships, alter one's self-perception or worldview, and disrupt daily functioning such as sleep and hygiene.

I think I have experienced trauma, but now what?

Perhaps you have experienced a trauma and want to know what to do next. Or maybe you’re still wondering if what you’ve experienced would be considered traumatic. Working with a trained professional to help you identify, process, and heal from trauma is a great place to start. At Vista Counseling & Wellness, we specialize in working with those who have experienced trauma using EMDR therapy and mindfulness-based interventions. Contact us at 321-475-4265 to set up an appointment and get started.


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